To place an order, browse our collection, add your desired items to the cart, and proceed to checkout. Follow the easy steps to complete your purchase securely.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. Use this number to track the status of your shipment and estimated delivery date.
Once an order is placed, it is processed quickly to ensure timely delivery. Therefore, modifications or cancellations may not be possible. Contact our customer support for assistance.
Yes, we do! Contact our wholesale team at for more information and special pricing.
Our return/exchange policy allows you to return or exchange items within a specified period. Check our 'Shipping & Returns' page for detailed information on the process.
We accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, Bank transfers, and other secure payment gateways. Your information is always kept confidential.
Refer to our size chart, available on each product page, to find the perfect fit. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to our customer support team for assistance.
Currently, we operate exclusively as an online store. Shop conveniently from the comfort of your home and enjoy the latest styles at your fingertips.
You can sign up for notifications on the product page to be alerted when the item is back in stock. Limited edition items may not be restocked.
We're available from 9am - 6pm (WAT), 7 days a week.
+234 8136690161
Abuja and Lagos Customers
Within 24-72 hours, T&C Apply
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